game Class Reference

#include <game.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

std::string join_str ()
 String version of the use join method.
std::string goal_str ()
 String version of the game goal.
void save (channel *ch)
 Send the game data.
void server_save (channel *ch)
 Write data that is needed for the server.

Public Attributes

long id
 Number of this game.
long timestamp
 Last changes to this game.
std::string name
 Name of this game.
std::string description
 General promotion of this game.
std::string owner
 Name of the user that created this game.
int join
 Selection in the member join choices.
int goal
 Selection in the game goal choices.
std::string map
 Name of the map of this game.
std::string url
 The identification of the game server.
std::string session
 Session of the game on the central server.
int state
 Current state of the game.
vector< partyparties
 List of parties in this game.

Member Function Documentation

std::string game::join_str (  ) 

String version of the use join method.

std::string game::goal_str (  ) 

String version of the game goal.

void game::save ( channel ch  ) 

Send the game data.

void game::server_save ( channel ch  ) 

Write data that is needed for the server.

Member Data Documentation

long game::id

Number of this game.

long game::timestamp

Last changes to this game.

std::string game::name

Name of this game.

std::string game::description

General promotion of this game.

std::string game::owner

Name of the user that created this game.

int game::join

Selection in the member join choices.

int game::goal

Selection in the game goal choices.

std::string game::map

Name of the map of this game.

std::string game::url

The identification of the game server.

std::string game::session

Session of the game on the central server.

int game::state

Current state of the game.

vector<party> game::parties

List of parties in this game.

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